Manuel Needs A Driverless Car

So I have discovered another reason to add to my list of desires for driverless vehicles, Blinding Sun.  How so you might ask.  Well, after a nice slow paced day I went to pick up my oldest daughter at the grocery store. While driving around the parking lot I came to a full stop at the top of a row.  I looked both ways for safety and waited for a car to pass.  While waiting, I was blinded by the setting sun.  Now you might ask, how does the sun blinding you at a complete stop increase the desire or need for a driverless vehicle.  Easy, you know the big sun spot that covers both eyes after looking directly into it, well that completely blinded the center of my vision.  So when I looked both ways again my eyes tricked me into thinking I was seeing everything because I had peripheral vision but in fact, I could not see right in front of me.  I pulled out of the row and I looked directly at the location of the oncoming car but did not see a thing and T - boned this nice young lady’s fairly new car.

Manuel Car 2

We were both fine but the cost of repair to our vehicles will be in the $10k to $15k range.  The hassle/stress of dealing with the situation ruined not only our day but also affected others.  And what really tweaked me was that I was being a good driver and not texting or talking on the phone.

Manuel Car 1

So we need to help all of these radical and deep thinkers progress faster and more safely.   I want my driverless car!  Oh, and I want it to be a little convertible.

Manuel Car 3

Seeing spots.


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