Reports & Books

BMW, Intel and Mobileye Promise Autonomous Car Ridesharing Company Launch in 5 Years

Jennifer van der Kleut

In somewhat of a surprise move, BMW has announced it has developed a self-driving car that will be ready to hit the market in five years. Why is it a surprise? Because BMW has never mentioned working on the technology-while, meanwhile, everyone from Google to Tesla, Ford, General Motors and others have been making their […]

Conference Board of Canada

Automated Vehicles: The Coming of the Next Disruptive Technology

The Conference Board of Canada

The Conference Board of Canada’s report “Automated Vehicles: The Coming of the Next Disruptive Technology” predicts massive savings in lives and money in Canada from the changes wrought by driverless vehicles. The Board and its partner CAVCOE write that the rollout of this technology “will be disruptive to both the public and private sector. … Governments and businesses must begin to plan for the arrival of AVs sooner, rather than later. This report provides an overview of the potential benefits of AVs and highlights some of the issues that we need to start planning for.”

DHL: Self-Driving Vehicles in Logistics


This trend report examines the distance that needs to be covered before self-driving technology reaches full maturity, and addresses the challenges of regulations, public acceptance, and issues of liability.  It also shines the headlights on various best-practice applications across several industries today, and takes a detailed look into the existing technology that’s successfully used today […]

ANPRM and Supporting Report on Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Communications Technology


The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) today released an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) and a supporting comprehensive research report on vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications technology. The report will include analysis of the Department’s research findings in several key areas including technical feasibility, privacy and security, and preliminary estimates on costs and safety benefits, while the ANPRM seeks public input on these findings to support the Department’s regulatory work to eventually require V2V devices in new light vehicles.

Autonomous Vehicle Implementation Predictions

Victoria Transport Policy Institute

This report explores the implications of autonomous (self-driving) vehicles on transportation planning. It identifies their potential benefits and costs, predicts their likely development and deployment patterns, and how they will affect transport planning decisions such as road and parking supply and public transit demand.

Products Liability and Driverless Cars: Issues and Guiding Principles for Legislation

John Villasenor

This paper provides a discussion of how products liability law will impact autonomous vehicles, and provides a set of guiding principles for legislation that should —and that should not—be enacted. In some very specific, narrow respects, state-level legislative clarity regarding autonomous vehicle liability can be beneficial. Vehicle manufacturers that sell non-autonomous vehicles, for example, should not be liable for defects in third-party vehicle automation systems installed in the aftermarket. But broad new liability statutes aimed at protecting the manufacturers of autonomous vehicle technology are unnecessary.

The CNN 10 Future of Driving


Fully self-driving cars remain some years away. But new technology in the next five to 10 years will help cars park themselves, monitor the alertness of the driver and even communicate with each other to avoid collisions. Tomorrow’s cars may have long-range headlights, external airbags and hydrogen fuel-cell engines that emit only water. With this project, CNN is honoring 10 innovations in automotive tech. Some of these may gain traction quickly, while others may spin their wheels in the marketplace. But all have the potential to change how we drive in a good way.

Autonomous Vehicle Technology

Rand Corporation

For the past hundred years, innovation within the automotive sector has created safer, cleaner, and more affordable vehicles, but progress has been incremental. The industry now appears close to substantial change, engendered by autonomous, or self-driving, vehicle technologies. This report is intended as a guide for state and federal policymakers on the many issues that this technology raises.


The New Killer Apps: How Large Companies Can Out-Innovate Start-Ups

Chunka Mui, Paul B. Carroll

The New Killer Apps reverses the conventional wisdom that start-ups are destined to out-innovate big, established businesses. Through crisp analysis and compelling case studies, Mui and Carroll show that this just isn’t true. Or, at least, it need not be. Yes, small and agile beats big and slow, but big and agile beats anyone. This book offers a roadmap for how large companies can Think Big, Start Small and Learn Fast. In doing so, they can get out of their own way, take advantage of their natural assets, and vanquish both traditional competitors and upstarts by nurturing and unleashing their own killer apps.

Proximity-Driven Liability

Bryant Walker Smith

This working paper argues that commercial sellers’ growing information about, access to, and control over their products, product users, and product uses could significantly expand their point-of-sale and post-sale obligations toward people endangered by these products. The paper first describes how companies are embracing new technologies that expand their information, access, and control, with primary reference to the increasingly automated and connected motor vehicle. It next analyzes how this proximity to product, user, and use could impact product-related claims for breach of implied warranty, defect in design or information, post-sale failure to warn or update, and negligent enabling of a third-party’s tortuous behavior. It finally flips the analysis to consider how the uncertainty caused in part by changing liability could actually drive companies to further embrace this proximity.

Self-Driving Cars: Are We Ready?


This is a follow-up to the 2012 report. In this report, KPMG went directly to consumers to ask the all-important question: If self-driving vehicles were available and safe, would you use them?